MAKE binoculars

Season: Any

Time: 30 minutes

There’s so much to see in nature! Some of it is big and loud. Some of it is small and quiet, but you can’t see any of it if you don’t pause to look around. This activity will help your child improve their observation skills and see nature with new eyes, while also developing the motor skills to handle real binoculars one day.

Making Binoculars can help children:

  • Develop fine motor skills

  • Sharpen observation skills and focus

Words to Know: binoculars, observe

You Will Need:

  • Two cardboard toilet paper rolls

  • Tape or glue

  • Hole punch

  • String (yarn, ribbon)

  • Markers, colored paper, and any other craft materials for decoration

A Song to Sing: With my binoculars what do I see? Let me look and count to three… 1, 2, 3.

What to Do:

  1. Attach two toilet paper rolls side by side using tape or glue.

  2. Give your child the option to wrap paper around the rolls and decorate their binoculars with markers, colored paper, or other craft materials.

  3. Make holes on the outside of each roll with a hole punch. Tie a strand of yarn, about 18-20 inches long, through each hole to create a strap for the binoculars. Young children should only use these under supervision.

  4. Time for a nature adventure! Head outdoors and encourage your child to use their binoculars to observe their surroundings. Talk about how using binoculars can help focus your attention on small things, like birds and insects.

  5. Sing while you're exploring: “With my binoculars what do I see? Let me look and count to three… 1, 2, 3.”

Reflection: What did I see through my binoculars today?

Encourage your child to share about their adventure, the different things they spotted through their binoculars, and how using binoculars can help focus their attention.

We hope you had fun together! Want to share? Snap a photo and share it with us on Instagram.


GO birdwatching